Subversion Repository Started (Finally)


So after much procrastination, some reconfiguration, and a lot of re-organizing, I have finally got a source tree into our subversion repository.

“IT Plumbing” is probably my least favorite part of this (or any) project, so I have to admit I did quite a bit of procrastinating over getting our Subversion repository for production files started. As usual, I ran into some weird road blocks along the way, and I’m still not sure I’ve done it right. But…

It is now possible to browse the Lunatics source tree on our Subversion/Trac production site.

There are still quite a few files that aren’t in the tree yet, and there might even be a few things that shouldn’t be there (I have to do some policing to make sure there’s no non-free left over — there were a few non-free reference photos in some of the offline sources that I had to remove).

You may also notice that I use a convention for naming downloaded reference material:


In general, this will be replaced by actual CREDITS files with tables of attribution and licensing information, but this is how I keep track in the short term.

In order to actually check out the code using your Subversion client, you’ll need a username and password, which you can get from me (Terry Hancock, via digitante at gmail dot com):

 svn co lunatics

That will check out the whole thing — but be warned: it is huge and will get even huger. That’s digital movie-making for you.

Probably, you’ll be more likely to want to check out only a portion of the site, e.g.:

 svn co lunatics/Library/Models/Modules

This will also let you check work in, of course.

I’m still looking up how to set up anonymous checkouts for people who just want to get the code. In the meantime, you can get individual files by just using the through-the-web browser (link above).

There are of course, many ways I may have messed this up. Currently security is not really tight, although I am using a (self-signed) SSL connection for access so that usernames and passwords are not transmitted in plain text.

Until next time!


[NOTE 2025: This is no longer true and these links are gone. The source for Lunatics Project is currently offline for technical reasons, but will be returning as a Nextcloud share, after we migrate to a colocated server]

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Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)