New Trailer Posted!

We’ve cut a new trailer for the pilot episode project, in response to fan feedback. This one is much shorter and more energetic — hopefully catchier. We’ve also revised the Kickstarter video to start with this 6-second teaser. The old trailer/teaser/demo/short is still available on YouTube and Vimeo, of course.


The idea behind the 2-minute “teaser” that we did before was to make the most of limited 3D assets and also to demonstrate a short piece of animation to prove that we have the necessary skills. I think it was very successful at those goals.

However, it was rather slow and perhaps a bit high-concept for an actual trailer. And that is not, of course, an accurate impression of our intent for the series. Also, by now, we have a lot more 3D asset to show off, even if they aren’t all quite finished (some of the assets in the new trailer are still lacking final textures, but I think the result is still pretty good).

This also allows us to get straight to the subject in our Kickstarter video, and it uses the intro from the track “Space Zine” by Elaine Walker which we are using for our main track for the series (you may recognize this from some of our earlier videos).

Hopefully, this is much more on target, and perhaps will help with the Kickstarter campaign. Please share it!


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Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)