Tag: virtual studio
Terry Hancock 2017-09-14
Migrating data from one system to a radically different system typically requires a lot of thought and…
Terry Hancock 2017-08-31
Highlights First render tests of the “Aquarium Room” set and the “Press Conference” blocking. Site construction, installing…
Terry Hancock 2017-08-11
I’ve been considering how we want to set up our virtual-studio asset-management system. There are a number…
Terry Hancock 2017-07-27
Apparently, our Virtual Studio project is interesting to more than just us. I got a number of…
Terry Hancock 2017-07-20
Happy Moon Day 2017! It’s been over a year since I first posted this video explaining what…
Terry Hancock 2017-01-26
After several abortive attempts to write an Ansible script (“playbook”) for installing our server repeatably, and thus…