We’ve been very overdue on creating a formal press-release for Lunatics and the pilot episode crowd-funding campaign, which is possibly one reason we have so far left to go. But it’s up now, so please come and have a look. If you know any news outlets that you think should cover Lunatics, please feel free to send them a copy of the press release. You may also notice we are featuring our interview with David Jordan of FundIndieFilms.com!
This week we are very busily working on the Teaser Trailer and some other modeling tests for the pilot episode series, and of course we are trying to get as much publicity as possible for ourKickstarter campaign to fund the pilot episode. We really need to get the word out to a LOT more people! We now have a press release and a full downloadable press kit (4.1 MB ZIP) which will hopefully make that easier. So far we have sent releases to SPACE.com, Universe Today, Boing Boing, FreeCulture.org, Bad Astronomy, ScienceFiction.com, and SFSite.com . No doubt there are a lot more places we could send to, if you can find the right email address and/or link for it, let me know at “digitante at gmail dot com” and I’ll send a release to them (or you could send it and just let me know that you’ve done it — this will reduce the chance of sending multiple releases to the same editors, which could become annoying if it happens too much — we do not want to come off as spammers).
We’ve also done an interview with David Jordan of newly-founded “Fund Indie Films”. The interview itself is our current featured video.