Patron Newsletter for September 2015

Patron Newsletter for September 2015 is up on Patreon

Better late than never! We’ve been very busy this month, but we still have good stuff for you: a slightly-tweaked version of the presentation given by Terry Hancock to the Dallas Blender 3D Symposium on Sept 19th, including all of the slides and notes, and some information about fully rigged characters that we have getting ready for final animation. Also, a set of wallpapers for desktop, tablets, or phones, featuring HIromi Lerner (and some other recently-finished characters).

Patron Newsletter for September 2015
Patron Newsletter for September 2015

Patron Newsletter for September 2015

To read the current newsletter on Patreon for free, you’ll need to sign up at the $20/episode level or higher (on our Patreon page, you’ll only be charged when we release an episode, and at this level you’ll get premium HD/5.1-surround sound downloads of our episodes before they are generally released). Alternatively, you can click on the subscription link on our main website to subscribe to our newsletter releases for a fixed $3/month. (So one way you’re guaranteed to only pay when we release an episode and the newsletters are free. The other way you pay for the newsletters up front, but don’t have to worry about any costs when the episodes come out — either way you’re helping support the artists who are producing the series!).

Of course, all of this content is released to you under the CC By-SA 3.0. Since it has been over a year since we started producing these newsletters, we’re looking into the best way to make the first ones available as free downloads as well.

The video for the DB3DS presentation itself is here:

Dallas Blender 3D Symposium Presentation: “Introduction to the Lunatics! Project” from Terry Hancock on Vimeo.

Avatar photo
Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)