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Dataset will be Available at All Reward Levels

Kickstarter 1 Banner Image
Banner/Poster Image for Pre-Production Kickstarter campaign, Nov-Dec 2011.

This is an open-source project, so anyone who wants to access the data we produce will be able to get it in time (certainly before next

Anyone backing this Kickstart (at any level) will receive notification and a site to download this data as a package (probably a single large ZIP file, or possibly several smaller ones) available for download on April 12, 2012 (“Yuri’s Night”). We’ll publish this link publicly sometime after that. Of course, all of the backers will be credited in the dataset as well.

So if you’ve been considering backing us at the $15 (poster) to $50 (book) level, and the combination packages ($75 to$125) seem too high to get access to the data — don’t worry, you’ll still be able get the full data electronically! The higher prices are to get the data on DVD or a customized credit card USB drive.

Just a minor clarification for anyone who might have been hesitating over this. Obviously, we’re very happy about those of you who have opted for the combination packages — it’s thanks to you that we’ve reached 25% of our goal by today.

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Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)