Today I finished the first of the digital ink & paint portraits based on
Daniel Fu’s character concept art. This is not the final art we are
creating for this Kickstart, but it is the artwork that will appear in
high resolution on the “Concept Art Poster” we are offering at the $15
level, to be delivered right after the Kickstart finishes, in December. A
lower resolution version (similar to this image) will appear on
the “Characters” page to replace the existing silhouette images.

Unlike the earlier picture of “Rob Lerner” (which was made from Daniel’s
original emailed scans), this image of “Sarah Allison” was created from a
high-resolution scan of the original pencil art. I then digitally
cleaned up and darkened this artwork (“digital inking”) and colored it
(“digital coloring”). I tried some shadows and highlights, but I didn’t
really like the effect — at this point, I’m thinking the flat color
looks better.