We’ll be joining the SOPA blackout tomorrow

Just quick note today: We’ll be joining the blackout protest against the SOPA / PIPA legislation tomorrow (Jan 18th), along with Reddit, Wikipedia, and many other sites. Even Google will be doing something about it, as I understand it. This legislation could be extremely devastating to us, as it targets many of the people who we rely on as distributors, and of course, on viewers. Furthermore, it is unnecessary to create legislation like this as the threat of so-called “piracy” is vastly overblown.

I’ve written some about this issue in my blog at Free Software Magazine:

“Piracy is not a problem; SOPA is not a solution”

But some of the best arguments  (IMHO) have been posted by Tim O’Reilly:

Tim O’Reilly: Why I’m fighting SOPA

SOPA and PIPA are Bad Industrial Policy

From the EFF:

How PIPA and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting Free Speech and Innovation

Techdirt has written a lot about SOPA/PIPA.

A good source on what you can do about SOPA/PIPA is American Censorship.

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Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)