Category: kickstarter

Introducing the Team: Chris Kuhn (Principal Mech Modeler)

Over the course of 2012, we had a total of over 30 people work on Lunatics! But there was still a lot to do in 2013. We got a huge boost from mechanical modeler Chris Kuhn joining the team this Summer: Lead Mech Modeler: Chris Kuhn

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Google Hangout on Air along with “Ubuntu Edge” and “Algorithm” projects

I was invited to this event to discuss three projects currently crowd-funding, our own “Lunatics!” project, another film project called “Algorithm” , and the huge (and controversial) Ubuntu Edge project (which is aiming to raise $32 million to build a limited run of smartphones running the “Ubuntu Touch” operating system — that’s over 750 times as much as we need for “Lunatics!”). This was a fun chat — the part about “Lunatics!” is mostly towards the end:

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Voice Actress Ariel Hancock – Support Lunatics!

Ariel Hancock (who plays “Georgiana Lerner” in “Lunatics!”) asks for your support:

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We need a lot more momentum on our Kickstarter

Well, I’m not sure what’s happening with our Kickstarter. We’re stuck at 3% with 22 backers. I don’t know i that’s because I’ve overestimated how many people are supporting us or if it’s because you’re disappointed with the results. Could even be I’m just talking to myself and a bunch of web crawlers here, and only imagine that anyone is following this. It could be that even our closer followers aren’t seeing all of these posts, with all the changes that have been happening in the social media sphere. There are so many thing acting to lock you into a digital bubble.

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Why we need early support from insiders like you

Kickstarter, with its “all or nothing” funding scheme, reduces risks for both creators and backers. For a project like “Lunatics!”, this makes it a lot safer bet. This protects early backers financially — if we don’t make it, you’ve lost nothing. And the money doesn’t come out until the end when we know the campaign has succeeded (or doesn’t because it hasn’t). We really need “inside” support from those of you already following “Lunatics!” if we’re going to encourage the “outside” support from new people we communicate with.

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Where the Money Goes – Budget

Where did we come up with $42,000? Our latest update has some detailed budget information for our pilot projec and the Kickstarter to support it.

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Where the Money Goes – Budget

Where did we come up with $42,000? I’ve gotten incredulous reactions in both directions — “How could you possibly make an hour-long 3D-animated film for so little money?” and “Isn’t that an awful lot of money for a free-culture project to raise on Kickstarter?” Both are completely understandable.

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First day of our 2013 Production Kickstarter

After our first day on Kickstarter, we are at 2% of our goal of $42,000 that we need to finish “No Children in Space”. It’s a promising start, though we still have a long way to go. Please help us get the word out! ( )

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Thanks for a nice first day!

Thanks to everyone who supported our Kickstarter on our Moon Day opening, and thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about it! You never really know what’s going to happen, and I do hate the sound of those darned crickets. So I’m really grateful that we had some noise on our opening day. That’s a little complicated to say: First, and most importantly, it is better than any of our previous Kickstarter campaign attempts, including our successful pre-production campaign! So that’s a really good sign.

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2013 Production Kickstarter – Correct Link!

In my last update, I wanted to let you know about our new Production Kickstart which is to fund finishing “No Children in Space”. However, the link was mangled somehow. Here’s the correct link:

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