Crunch Time!
The end of the year is fast approaching, so I’m not going to be making any big posts for awhile, but I do find it motivating to post WIP up on my social media, so I want to remind you of where you can find my updates on the Fediverse:
Lunatics Project Pictures (Pixelfed)
Mostly work-in-progress stills, occasional boosts of interesting stills and screen captures.
Lunatics Project Videos (PeerTube)
Probably not going to post here for a bit, but I thought I should mention it, since it’s meant to be the main output for the project. I usually post behind-the-scenes content about once a month, and this will be where the episode goes up first.
Terry Hancock (Director/Producer) – (Misskey)
More in-depth posts about project work. Policy or news issues about open-source or free-culture. Occasional generic space posts or boosts.
Terry Hancock (Personal), a.k.a. “Space Catitude”
Personal account on a friend’s server. This is not really a Lunatics Project site, but I do post there more often, and can usually be found there. I often boost the content from the above. Also general political, news, philosophy, society, and things I think are funny. There will be cat pictures, and other cute animals. I try not to get too preachy or angry, and occasionally try to find some balance, but I don’t hide my political opinions, ether.
Links to Support Our Project
And of course, if you want to support the project we now have four main options:
Lunatics Project Patreon
I believe if you sign-up now, you’ll already be on the monthly plan, though I haven’t revised the tiers yet. I usually put updates up here about a week before making them public. If you’re a member, you’ll get the “Lunatics!” pilot episode at least a month early — I intend to post for patrons, and then make it public once I have the DVDs and Download Packages ready for sale.
Lunatics Project Liberapay
This is simply a subscription, there’s no specific blog. I set this up recently, so there’s no patrons yet — you could be the first!
Lunatics Project Ko-Fi
Likewise, this is just for subscriptions or donations — the blog is what you’re reading now! The 6% is just the coins I threw in the hat, BTW. Thought that was an interesting option. But actually, this is also waiting for the first donation or subscription.
Anansi Spaceworks’ Gumroad Storefront
I still have a few “Portrait of the Solar System” posters left. There are one-time sponsorship and donation options. I plan to add a subscription here as well — the overhead is lower than the other options, for what that’s worth.
Video Logs
In lieu of a real “November 2024 Summary” (at least for now), I have made a couple of video logs for November. It was a bit of a roller coaster, with the election happening, though I think I’ve managed to get organized again after:
2024-11-15: Election Anxiety / Production Timelapses
2024-11-28: Crunch Time!
And also, I collected production work from July-October into a Timelapse:
Timelapse of 2024 Lunatics Project Production Work
(I may have posted this already).