Tag: campaign
Since we’ve started our Kickstarter campaign, I have been posting updates there.
This is an open-source project, so anyone who wants to access the data we produce will be able to get it in time (certainly before next Summer). Anyone backing this Kickstart (at any level) will receive notification and a site to download this data as a package (probably a single large ZIP file, or possibly several smaller ones) available for download on April 12, 2012 (“Yuri’s Night”). We’ll publish this link publicly sometime after that. Of course, all of the backers will be credited in the dataset as well.
As you can see from the widget on our front page, we have just launched our Kickstarter campaign to fund pre-production artwork development for the series. This includes the character design and model sheets, the set plans, and plans of the vehicles that appear in the pilot episode, “No Children in Space”. It will also support Rosalyn Hunter in making final revisions to the script.
We’re getting everything ready to star our first Kickstarter campaign. This will cover pre-production artwork some 3D modeling necessary for the pre-production phase, and an animatic of the pilot episode with a temporary soundtrack.