Tag: DanielFu

Daniel Fu (PR)

Meet the Team: Daniel Fu (Character Designer)

We knew what we wanted to do with the personalities of the characters for Lunatics! , and we had back-stories, descriptions, and a few personal details. But we didn’t have characters, and I intentionally left some creative room there, because I felt that a real character designer could do a much better job. I had done something similar to this for a game project years back, and my first choice was to contact one of the designers who had worked on that project – Daniel Fu . Of course, years had passed, and he’d gone on to different sorts of work. He’d also done his own online comic series with ” The Retriever “. So I felt pretty lucky when he agreed to do the designs for us.

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Colonist Modelsheets Finished

We’ve crossed a pre-production milestone — the modelsheets for the eight colonists (our main characters) are completed. Daniel is now moving on to the artwork for secondary characters. This puts us on schedule for our (recently slipped) delivery goal of early May.

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Kickstarter 1 Banner Image

Our Kickstart was a Success!

Thanks to the support of some very generous backers, we are now able to commission Daniel Fu for the character design artwork. Work will start in January!

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Concept Art Sheets and Modeling

This week we’ve started get character design concepts from Daniel Fu. I’ve also been working on modeling the Soyuz “Transporter-Erector”, which will appear early in the pilot episode.

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Gallery of Daniel Fu's Earlier Work

Welcome to character artist Daniel Fu!

This week we’ve started working on initial character designs with character designer, Daniel Fu, of “Daystorm Productions”. Daniel is the author of a webcomic series, “The Retriever” and has an excellent portfolio. Daniel was my first choice o this project, because I’ve worked with him before, because he has a lo of artistic range, and because his designs have a good sense of volume and 3D form, which will be essential for our designs which will be modeled in 3D.

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