Tag: Kickstarter3

Printing out a Proof of the Artbook!

Well, I didn’t get them finished on Friday or Saturday, but the artbook is basically done now. Just need to proofread and fix typos and stuff before sending it to the printer. I’m printing a copy now so I can go over it with the red pen (no matter how many times I proofread a work digitally, I always find I need to proofread a hardcopy version or I’ll miss stuff). While the artbooks are off getting printed, of course, I’ll be finishing up the storyboards and getting the data disks finished. With any luck I’ll have it all neatly wrapped up in just over a week and be able to start shipping out rewards.

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Now Fund Raising for the Voice Production and Animatic

We have just switched over to a smalle Kickstarter campaign to fund just the production of the voice cast (with sound effects, foley sound, and music) and a 2D animatic created by Timothée Giet based on storyboards by Terry Hancock. Find it here: http://kck.st/RTCwZs

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Kickstarter3: Voice and Animatic

Replacement Kickstarter: Voice Production and Animatic

As I posted earlier, it’s clear that we are not going to be able to raise sufficient funds to take us all the way through production of the pilot episode on this Kickstarter. I will be canceling this Kickstart in just a few minutes. I’d like to thank those of you who supported this project with your pledges! If you would like to continue supporting our production, please consider backing our much more modest campaign to fund the next phase: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2144275086/lunatics-pilot-episode-voice-drama-and-animatic

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Canceled Pilot Kickstarter (Screencap)

Changing Our Fund-Raising Strategy

Later today, we’ll be announcing a new (replacement) Kickstarter campaign, which will fund just the next step production, which is making an animatic and a full-cast voice productio (i.e. we’re going to focus on the sound production first). Check here at lunatics.tv for the link!

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Switching Our Fundraising Strategy

Thank you very much to all of you who were willing to support this very ambitious project at this early stage! It has, however, been apparent for awhile now that we’re not going to succeed in funding the entire production process for the pilot episode in one go. So much for the “frontal assault”! However, this doesn’t necessarily mean a failure for the project — we’re now switching to a more incremental process. We’re getting ready to announce a replacement Kickstarter campaign which at minimum will fund us just through: This campaign is currently going through the Kickstarter review process and will hopefully be launched in just a few days.

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