Tag: lunar
Terry Hancock 2018-04-30
HIGHLIGHTS: Architecture concepts for KitCAT. Renaming Anya Titova’s satellite company. Filed Personal Income Tax. Project management tools…
AIArt, animation, armatures, ArtDesign, asteroid, astronomy, blender, blender3d, BlenderInternal, build, cave, computer, decals, DwarfPlanet, earth, eevee, galaxy, habitat, hardware, infrastructure, interstellar, kitcat, krita, launchpad, LavaTubes, logos, lunar, moon, oumuamua, planet, pluto, probe, render, rigging, Russian, science, set, software, soyuz, space, spacecraft, SpaceDays, telescope, WorldSpaceParty, YurisNight
Terry Hancock 2018-02-28
HIGHLIGHTS: Planning volume storage tests. Review of Non-Debian Packages we need. TACTIC goals (planned to test TACTIC…
3DPrinting, aegisub, ansible, ardour, audacity, bazaar, blender, decals, design, devops, earth, infrastructure, lander, lidar, lunar, moon, production, rover, shuttle, software, sound, SoundMixing, subtitling, SurroudSound, technology, VersionControl, video