Tag: maintenance
Terry Hancock 2024-11-30
HIGHLIGHTS November 2024 was an upsetting and complicated month for me, although no really serious tragedies happened….
Terry Hancock 2018-03-31
HIGHLIGHTS: Visited the Saturn V center at NASA Johnson Space Center and the rocket park (the free…
AddOns, anime, ansible, api, ArtDesign, astronomy, blender, characters, colony, diaspora, editing, effects, essay, explosion, facebook, flame, infrastructure, installation, KeneishaPerry, kitcat, krita, maintenance, mastodon, miyazaki, moon, npr3d, orbit, PlanetaryScience, pluto, probes, python, rocket, SaturnV, scripting, SocialMedia, software, solar, space, SpaceStation, SpaceStationAlpha, story, studio, sun, tactic, testing, Twitter, website, workstation