Tag: rocket
Terry Hancock 2020-12-31
HIGHLIGHTS: TRAIN CAR Revised the “Platz-Karny Vagon” train car model to incorporate alpha transparency so shots can…
Terry Hancock 2018-05-31
HIGHLIGHTS: Getting my domain registrations moved off of Register.com. Texture finishing for Soyuz Launch Vehicle & Orbiter….
Terry Hancock 2018-03-31
HIGHLIGHTS: Visited the Saturn V center at NASA Johnson Space Center and the rocket park (the free…
AddOns, anime, ansible, api, ArtDesign, astronomy, blender, characters, colony, diaspora, editing, effects, essay, explosion, facebook, flame, infrastructure, installation, KeneishaPerry, kitcat, krita, maintenance, mastodon, miyazaki, moon, npr3d, orbit, PlanetaryScience, pluto, probes, python, rocket, SaturnV, scripting, SocialMedia, software, solar, space, SpaceStation, SpaceStationAlpha, story, studio, sun, tactic, testing, Twitter, website, workstation