Tag: assets

Central Market Build-Up ("Lunatics!" Project / CC By-SA 3.0)

Central Market – Layered Set with Backdrop

We don’t want to waste our effort modeling every detail possible in every set. Some are only…

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Drawer Faces for Render Cluster (Terry Hancock / CC By 4.0)

Beginning 2017 Asset Review

For 2017, I’ve decided to set a goal of updating this production log much more frequently. I’m…

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Free and PD Art Resource Bookmarks List

I’ve gotten requests to publish a list of free-licensed resources used for Lunatics, and I have accumulated a very long list of them in my browser bookmarks collection. I don’t really have time to edit this down into a more digestible format, but i wasn’t too hard to export the bookmarks and import them into my news blog here. So here you go: links to all kinds of free art resources!

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Background models for the pilot

We’ve now started working on the asset for the “on Earth” shots in the pilot episode. These models are often not as glamorous, but they take a lot of work, and are very necessary for the plot. We’re also working towards preparing production rigs for animated our characters. We also need HELP on character modeling, if yo have Blender character modeling skills, can follow a modeling style concept, and would like to get involved.

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CD label (Draft)

From the “No Children in Space” soundtrack – Soyuz Flight sequence

Here is a suite of three tracks by Butterfly Tea (“Rise of the Titans”, “Back to Adventure”, and “Andorria Main Title”) which will accompany the Soyuz launch sequence in the pilot episode: A few questions have been raised about this music and its licensing, which I feel I should probably answer here: It is my belief that focusing on the positive value of free-licensed work and providing artists with a revenue stream from that work will help to increase the perceived value of releasing under free licenses, and ultimately provide a wider pool of material for us to draw on in the future. As with many other aspects of the “Lunatics” business plan, this is all about sustainability .

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Subversion Repository Started (Finally)

So after much procrastination, some reconfiguration, and a lot of re-organizing, I have finally got a sourc tree into our subversion repository.

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