Tag: OpenMovie
HIGHLIGHTS: October was mainly focused on physical tasks around our house and land. However, I did also…
HIGHLIGHTS: IT WORK: Continuing work on YunoHost-based site. Got ResourceSpace working. Tested it with the music library,…
I took a little time to spiff up the website, which was looking a little neglected. I also sent out queries to some of the musicians whose work I am hoping to relicense under By-S for use in our soundtrack. So far I’ve gotten one positive response, and one slightly unclear one. But I’m optimistic.
This is an open-source project, so anyone who wants to access the data we produce will be able to get it in time (certainly before next Summer). Anyone backing this Kickstart (at any level) will receive notification and a site to download this data as a package (probably a single large ZIP file, or possibly several smaller ones) available for download on April 12, 2012 (“Yuri’s Night”). We’ll publish this link publicly sometime after that. Of course, all of the backers will be credited in the dataset as well.