Tag: ConceptArt
If the $15/$25 poster reward seems too high, you might be interested in this: we can send you the same poster for just $8 if we fold it for shipping. After the first few are printed, additional copies of the Concept Art Poster don’t cost much to print, and so the main expense is the cost of shipping a mailing tube. This is especially true for international addresses. However, if I just fold the 11″ x 17″ sheet in half to 8.5″ x 11″ , it will ship in a standard-size document envelope, and this is really inexpensive for both USA and International addresses.
Another color portrait for the Concept Art Poster — this is Joshua Farmer / Josh. “Joshua Farmer (Ph.D.) received his Doctorate in Space Agriculture for his work on rapid-growth high yield crops. He was recruited to work at the Lunar Installation and Biological Research Interprise (LIBRE) to prepare crops for the colonization effort. He remained on as one of the colonization candidates and was chosen for the first team.” Original pencil drawing by Daniel Fu. Digital ink & color by Terry Hancock.
Drawing of “Anya Titova Farmer” / “Anya” by Daniel Fu (from the concept art sheet), digitally inked and colored by Terry Hancock. “Anya Titova Farmer (M.B.A.) is business manager of the ISF lunar colony. She comes from a long line of Russian entrepreneurs, astronauts, and rocket engineers. Her father Anatoly Titov and her Uncle Konstantin Titov manage the Titov Space Industries, founded by her grandfather Igor Titov. She received a degree in international business from the Russian Academy of Economics (RAE) and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Arizona. She is also founder and part owner of Sputniki Zvezda Serebryaniy (Silver Star Satellites).”
Earlier I posted a tiny picture of Hiromi as part of the preview of the Concept Art poster, but here’s the completed “Hiromi Aoki Lerner” drawing. Of course, like the others, this is drawn by Daniel Fu and digitally inked and painted by Terry Hancock. “Hiromi Aoki Lerner, wife of Dr. Robert Lerner, is the field doctor and nutritionist for the International Space Foundation’s Lunar Colony. Mrs Lerner holds a Masters in Health Science from the University of Toronto’s Mississauga Academy and a Masters in Space Nutrition from the University of Texas Online Branch. Only daughter of David Aoki, founder of Aoki Aerospace, Hiromi has been interested in space travel from her youth. She has a daughter, Georgiana Lerner age seven.”
I’ve realized that I haven’t actually posted scans of the original artwork that Daniel Fu created for us as concpet art. This is the sheet for Georgiana Lerner. Remember: this original artwork is for sale as one of our rewards! On Flickr From this, I created the digitally inked & colored version of “Georgiana Lerner” below, which will be on the “Concept Art Poster”:
Dr. John Robert Lerner, founder of the International Space Foundation, will be joining the first true human settlement on a planet beyond the confines of this Earth. He and a group of pioneering colonists will be settling permanently at the International Space Foundation Colony on the northern Border of Mare Imbrium at the Laplace Promentary. This is a crowning achievement for the Mechanical Engineer who has given the last twenty-five years of his life supporting this cause which soon will come to fruition.
Today I finished the first of the digital ink & paint portraits based on Daniel Fu’s character concept art. This is not the final art we are creating for this Kickstart, but it is the artwork that will appear in high resolution on the “Concept Art Poster” we are offering at the $15 level, to be delivered right after the Kickstart finishes, in December. A lower resolution version (similar to this image) will appear on the “Characters” page . to replace the existing silhouette images.
As you can see from the widget on our front page, we have just launched our Kickstarter campaign to fund pre-production artwork development for the series. This includes the character design and model sheets, the set plans, and plans of the vehicles that appear in the pilot episode, “No Children in Space”. It will also support Rosalyn Hunter in making final revisions to the script.
We’re getting everything ready to star our first Kickstarter campaign. This will cover pre-production artwork some 3D modeling necessary for the pre-production phase, and an animatic of the pilot episode with a temporary soundtrack.
This week we’ve started working on initial character designs with character designer, Daniel Fu, of “Daystorm Productions”. Daniel is the author of a webcomic series, “The Retriever” and has an excellent portfolio. Daniel was my first choice o this project, because I’ve worked with him before, because he has a lo of artistic range, and because his designs have a good sense of volume and 3D form, which will be essential for our designs which will be modeled in 3D.