Tag: Kickstarter1

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Themes in Lunatics – #7 “Agrarian Reality versus Technocratic Image”

Continuing with themes in the stories for Lunatics… Here’s number seven: Theme #7 Agrarian Reality versus Technocratic Image I call this the “white plastic walls” fallacy. People have an idea of spaceflight that is derived from the images created in the 1960s Moon program and lots of science fiction shows that try to glamorize it as the ultimate “futuristic” and “urban” experience. Because back then, urban was cool, and rural was always bad.

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The Roadmap for Lunatics Series Production

Some of you may be wondering where this “Phase I” Kickstart (and the work it’s meant to support) falls in our overall plan, and just how far it will take us. I don’t know exactly how fast we can progress — whether we’ll be able to keep getting enough people interested in contributing directly to the project or how many rewards, pre-sale DVDs, or merchandise we’ll be able to sell to keep the project funded.  That’s really going to depend on the fans.

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Themes in Lunatics – #5 Failsafes and Adaptation

Continuing with themes in the stories for Lunatics… Here’s number five: Theme #5 Failsafes and Adaptation Space is a dangerous place, don’t get me wrong. But then again, so is Siberia or Alaska. Or the Sahara. There are dangers all over the world that are quite sufficient to kill an exposed human without important life-support or supplies. We don’t worry about that most of the time, because we’ve adapted to these dangers. We do that through the equipment we carry (starting with clothes), through the behaviors we learn, and through the environments we create for ourselves.

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Check Our Kickstarter Updates!

Since we’ve started our Kickstarter campaign, I have been posting updates there.

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Themes in Lunatics – #1 “Bridging from Here to There”

Themes in Lunatics Although Rosalyn Hunter is credited as the “writer” on Lunatics and I am credited as the “director”, the reality is a bit more muddled than that. We are highly collaborative in our creative process, as you might expect from a married team. I thought it might be interesting to introduce some of the themes we’re working into the series. Here’s the first: Theme #1 “Bridging from Here to There”

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Sarah (Painted Concept Art)

“Sarah” Portrait for the Concept Art Poster

Today I finished the first of the digital ink & paint portraits based on Daniel Fu’s character concept art. This is not the final art we are creating for this Kickstart, but it is the artwork that will appear in high resolution on the “Concept Art Poster” we are offering at the $15 level, to be delivered right after the Kickstart finishes, in December. A lower resolution version (similar to this image) will appear on the “Characters” page . to replace the existing silhouette images.

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Art Now Title Card

Special Treat – “Art Now!” interview from “Earth”

This is getting a little ahead of ourselves, but we thought it would be a fun extra to share with you all. This is a bit of dialog that Rosalyn wrote for the 2nd episode of Lunatics, to be called “Earth”. This is our own performance of the dialog, although we’ll probably have real voice actors re-record the scene for the final episode. This gave us a chance to test out our recording equipment and technique. We have a little bit of a room acoustics problem, but otherwise it worked out quite well. I have an idea for an acoustic panel made from cardboard that may improve the ambiance considerably.

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Pre-Production Kickstarter Launched!

As you can see from the widget on our front page, we have just launched our Kickstarter campaign to fund pre-production artwork development for the series. This includes the character design and model sheets, the set plans, and plans of the vehicles that appear in the pilot episode, “No Children in Space”. It will also support Rosalyn Hunter in making final revisions to the script.

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