Tag: VoiceCast
We have just switched over to a smalle Kickstarter campaign to fund just the production of the voice cast (with sound effects, foley sound, and music) and a 2D animatic created by Timothée Giet based on storyboards by Terry Hancock. Find it here: http://kck.st/RTCwZs
Later today, we’ll be announcing a new (replacement) Kickstarter campaign, which will fund just the next step production, which is making an animatic and a full-cast voice productio (i.e. we’re going to focus on the sound production first). Check here at lunatics.tv for the link!
We are now announcing the principal voice cast for the pilot episode of “Lunatics”: William Roberts (Rob), Karrie Shirou (Hiromi), Ariel Hancock (Georgiana), Lex Quarterman (Tim) Paul Birchard (Josh), and Veronika Kurshinskaya (Anya). These are the six series regular characters who will be in the pilot episode. There are two more regulars coming in episodes 2 and 3, who we have not yet cast.
Finally! I can tell somebody… We now have six voice actors confirmed for the pilot episode, who will play the six series regular characters who appear in the pilot (Georgiana, Hiromi, Rob, Tim, Josh, and Anya — in order of apperance): Rob will be played by William Roberts . Hiromi will be played by Karrie Shirou . Georgiana will be played by our daughter Ariel after all (we reviewed auditions from a few adult actresses to be sure this is what we wanted to do — they were good, but a real child’s voice sounds much better, and Ariel did quite well on the audition). Tim will be played by Lex Quarterman . Josh will be played by Paul Birchard . and