Storyboad: Georgiana Looking Out Train Window

Storyboards / “Sketchy-Matic”

Here’s a little information about my storyboard and animatic process, since that’s what I’ve been working on today. This is not the animatic we’re advertising as a goal of this Kickstarter — these are the sketches that I make myself. To keep clear which is which, I call this my “sketchy-matic”, since my storyboards are pretty sketchy. I start with 4″x6″ plain index cards, which I draw on with colored pens. The drawings are very sketchy because 1) I’m not a great comic artist and 2) because it only really has to communicate what the shot, so it’s not necessary to have a whole lot of detail. One of the better likenesses in my storyboards — but still quite sketchy 🙂

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Kickstarter3: Voice and Animatic


This is just going to be a quick update, because I’m working on storyboard animatics today, but we have just passed the halfway mark — in fact, we’re at 52%.  Of course, we only have about 30 hours to make the other 48% if we’re going to make. But consider this thought — if each of you found just one other person willing to put in as much as you did, we’d be done. So a few shares through your friend networks online or offline might be enough to do it.

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CD label (Draft)

More from the soundtrack

I see we’ve got some new backers this morning. Welcome, and thank you! Here’s some music from the soundtrack. I apologize if the sound levels are a little bit inconsistent, you might have to adjust your volume. The videos are just slide shows of collected pre-production graphics from our work on the project (or the little spinning disk animation I created recently).

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Just finished a test teleconference with three of the principals!

We just tried our first teleconference with three of the principals for “Lunatics”, I plan to meet the others on Friday for another test call, and then we’ll be all set up to work o Saturday morning when we do our table read for “No Children in Space”. Our Kickstarter is currently at 40%, with just over 2 days left:

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Time’s running out to support our Audio Production Kickstarter

Hi all! I’m going to make one more appeal to those of you who backed this Kickstarter campaign to fund the pilot episode for Lunatics (or even those just curious enough to read the updates). Just because we canceled this Kickstarter campaign does NOT mean we are not going to continue to produce the pilot episode.

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Artbooks Are Finished and Off to the Printer!

We have just (finally!) finished the “Pre-Production Artbook and Writer’s Guide” book layout, and it’s off t the printer to print the first batch!

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CD label (Draft)

Soundtrack CD Disk Label

This morning I designed the label for the soundtrack CD for “No Children in Space”. This CD will have most of the music that appears in the pilot episode (a few more tracks will be available for download). This will be a full 70-minute CD with longer versions of many of the tracks that appear in the movie. It has been observed that because of our music-selection process, Lunatics may be the only free-film made so far with a 100% free-licensed soundtrack (the soundtracks for the Blender Open Movies have all been By-NC-SA licensed and Sita Sings the Blues has some issues with proprietary music compositions).

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Artbook Now Online

The artbook is now available in a digital edition on our DOWNLOAD SITE , which has moved,BTW to a simpler URL (I’m lifting the embargo on it since it has been awhile, even though there are still a few more things going up on the site yet): 3    Prospectus & Production Design 13    Characters 15        The Lerner Family 23        The Farmer Family 33        Allen Emerson 37        Sarah 39        Others 45    Setting

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Artbooks Now Included in Rewards

For our first Kickstarter campaign back in December, we promised a “Pre-Production Artbook and Writer’s Guide”, which I have just now uploaded to the printer after a long, long time drawing, writing, and editing for it. This is a 170-page “story bible” with all of the essentials in the pilot episode and some additional material for the second episode as well. This includes set plans, character model sheets, sketches, character background information, future historical notes, two full scripts, a bonus short story “The Landing” which was Rosalyn’s first fictionalization of the “Lunatics” story (it’s interesting to see how much the concept has changed), and even the small character-focused reading scripts we used for auditioning actors.

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Printing out a Proof of the Artbook!

Well, I didn’t get them finished on Friday or Saturday, but the artbook is basically done now. Just need to proofread and fix typos and stuff before sending it to the printer. I’m printing a copy now so I can go over it with the red pen (no matter how many times I proofread a work digitally, I always find I need to proofread a hardcopy version or I’ll miss stuff). While the artbooks are off getting printed, of course, I’ll be finishing up the storyboards and getting the data disks finished. With any luck I’ll have it all neatly wrapped up in just over a week and be able to start shipping out rewards.

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Lunar Transportation System Drawings / Status Update on the Artbooks

Continuing work on the Lunatics artbooks:

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Now Fund Raising for the Voice Production and Animatic

We have just switched over to a smalle Kickstarter campaign to fund just the production of the voice cast (with sound effects, foley sound, and music) and a 2D animatic created by Timothée Giet based on storyboards by Terry Hancock. Find it here:

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