Tag: server
HIGHLIGHTS November 2024 was an upsetting and complicated month for me, although no really serious tragedies happened….
Doom and Gloom Coming for US Normally, I try to steer clear of any reference to partisan…
HIGHLIGHTS It’s back-to-school time in our household: our daughter has enrolled in college with a new major,…
Lunatics Production This has been a busy month. I finally got around to inserting background extras…
HIGHLIGHTS June was a very busy month, with three major projects taking up most of the worktime:…
HIGHLIGHTS Co-Location Study/Decision Troubleshooting Jitsi Meet (Videoconferencing Software) Minor Fixes to Virtual Studio Website Started Work on…
HIGHLIGHTS: As usual, January was dedicated mostly to our annual report and partnership tax reporting requirements. PRODUCTION:…
HIGHLIGHTS: CoViD-19 / SARS-CoV-2 epidemic continues and we are self-quarantined New ADSL modem from Windstream, after old…
HIGHLIGHTS: Andrew Pam – render server offer Keneisha Perry moving to just model + rigging Finishing PC-1…
HIGHLIGHTS: Marketing Research Contact from Maurice Thomas, who wanted to do some voice acting for us. I…
HIGHLIGHTS: Website plan to migrate archives into S3 storage stopped by lack of FUSE support with Rose…
HIGHLIGHTS: Subversion/Trac Installation Notes (Migration Plans) New Soyuz reference photos (including button labels and the Orbital Module…