Tag: krita
Terry Hancock 2020-12-31
HIGHLIGHTS: This month, the weather has continued to be pretty mild, and I’ve continued with construction and…
Terry Hancock 2018-04-30
HIGHLIGHTS: Architecture concepts for KitCAT. Renaming Anya Titova’s satellite company. Filed Personal Income Tax. Project management tools…
AIArt, animation, armatures, ArtDesign, asteroid, astronomy, blender, blender3d, BlenderInternal, build, cave, computer, decals, DwarfPlanet, earth, eevee, galaxy, habitat, hardware, infrastructure, interstellar, kitcat, krita, launchpad, LavaTubes, logos, lunar, moon, oumuamua, planet, pluto, probe, render, rigging, Russian, science, set, software, soyuz, space, spacecraft, SpaceDays, telescope, WorldSpaceParty, YurisNight
Terry Hancock 2018-04-10
I put together this concept for the architecture of our proposed TACTIC client application, KitCAT: The idea…
Terry Hancock 2018-03-31
HIGHLIGHTS: Visited the Saturn V center at NASA Johnson Space Center and the rocket park (the free…
AddOns, anime, ansible, api, ArtDesign, astronomy, blender, characters, colony, diaspora, editing, effects, essay, explosion, facebook, flame, infrastructure, installation, KeneishaPerry, kitcat, krita, maintenance, mastodon, miyazaki, moon, npr3d, orbit, PlanetaryScience, pluto, probes, python, rocket, SaturnV, scripting, SocialMedia, software, solar, space, SpaceStation, SpaceStationAlpha, story, studio, sun, tactic, testing, Twitter, website, workstation