Tag: soundtrack

Two Experimental Productions for October

This month (October 2024), I decided that for various reasons including project promotion and my own mental…

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September 2021 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS: I was somewhat frustrated with my self-discipline this month. I had intended to get busy finishing…

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CD label (Draft)

More from the soundtrack

I see we’ve got some new backers this morning. Welcome, and thank you! Here’s some music from the soundtrack. I apologize if the sound levels are a little bit inconsistent, you might have to adjust your volume. The videos are just slide shows of collected pre-production graphics from our work on the project (or the little spinning disk animation I created recently).

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CD label (Draft)

Soundtrack CD Disk Label

This morning I designed the label for the soundtrack CD for “No Children in Space”. This CD will have most of the music that appears in the pilot episode (a few more tracks will be available for download). This will be a full 70-minute CD with longer versions of many of the tracks that appear in the movie. It has been observed that because of our music-selection process, Lunatics may be the only free-film made so far with a 100% free-licensed soundtrack (the soundtracks for the Blender Open Movies have all been By-NC-SA licensed and Sita Sings the Blues has some issues with proprietary music compositions).

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CD label (Draft)

Music from “No Children in Space”

Want a sneak peek at the music we are putting into the “No Children in Space” soundtrack? We’re putting together a playlist on YouTube with some of the featured tracks (just two tracks so far, but I’ll be adding more to this playlist daily). ( http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL70E9944AD49E1D96 )

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CD label (Draft)

From the “No Children in Space” soundtrack – Soyuz Flight sequence

Here is a suite of three tracks by Butterfly Tea (“Rise of the Titans”, “Back to Adventure”, and “Andorria Main Title”) which will accompany the Soyuz launch sequence in the pilot episode: A few questions have been raised about this music and its licensing, which I feel I should probably answer here: It is my belief that focusing on the positive value of free-licensed work and providing artists with a revenue stream from that work will help to increase the perceived value of releasing under free licenses, and ultimately provide a wider pool of material for us to draw on in the future. As with many other aspects of the “Lunatics” business plan, this is all about sustainability .

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