Tag: website
HIGHLIGHTS: Lunatics Prototype Release Site (14 days design work) LunaGen Site Generator (10 days development) Created Monthly…
HIGHLIGHTS: Marketing Research Contact from Maurice Thomas, who wanted to do some voice acting for us. I…
HIGHLIGHTS: Website plan to migrate archives into S3 storage stopped by lack of FUSE support with Rose…
We have just completed a transition from our old “snowflake server” installation (i.e. managed entirely manually and…
HIGHLIGHTS: Subversion/Trac Installation Notes (Migration Plans) New Soyuz reference photos (including button labels and the Orbital Module…
HIGHLIGHTS: Visited the Saturn V center at NASA Johnson Space Center and the rocket park (the free…
Happy New Year! A lot has happened in the last few weeks, and we’re about to make some major changes on the “Lunatics!” project website. Progress continues on 3D assets for the series and for “No Children in Space”; and we’re making new promotional and fundraising plans. It’s time to shake things up, and we’re planning to do just that!
I took a little time to spiff up the website, which was looking a little neglected. I also sent out queries to some of the musicians whose work I am hoping to relicense under By-S for use in our soundtrack. So far I’ve gotten one positive response, and one slightly unclear one. But I’m optimistic.
I wrote a column for Free Software Magazine about the free software infrastructure I set up on our server to support Lunatics. You might find it interesting: Creating a Project Website for “Lunatics” with Apache, Zope, Plone, MediaWiki, Trac, Subversion, and the Cloud Too
After a few days work and weeks of procrastination and fretting, the Lunatics website is finally starting to make some sense and become quasi-functional. Yea!