In this half-hour audio drama, the lunar colonists at the ISF-1 colony are joined by international superstar…
I’m currently doing the sound-design for the Audio Drama: picking music tracks from the track library, tryin to figure out what ambience and sound effects to use, and moving the voices into scenes.
Thanks again for pledging! Here’s the previously promised download link: Includes eight different desktop background designs in a variety of sizes and aspect ratios, printable versions of the finger puppets we used in some of our previous videos, and an updated collection of banner graphics, should you want to link to our project. I had fun making these. I also did some more learning about Freestyle, though I have more work to do there.
Thanks to all of you for backing our project, even though it’s clear as the minutes tick down (in fact, it’s honestly been pretty clear to me for a couple of weeks) that we’re not going to make our goal. I could sell you some sunshine about how I’m not unhappy about this, but actually it has in fact been an ego-crushing disappointment . I made some misjudgments about how many people would back us and how far news of our project would travel. I’m sorry about the disappointment that we didn’t make it. It sure would have been better if we had. I have, however, had a couple of weeks to get used to the idea. And we are NOT stopping our production.
Vyacheslav has been an enthusiastic supporter for Lunatics! since our modeling project last Summer. He contributed to the Soyuz interior set model and created the initial model for the Lunar Transportation System lander that we used in our animatic. He’s also been instrumental in providing Russian proof-reading and translations for us. Most of the labels on the Soyuz console were checked by him, and he has helped us with creating Russian subtitles for our teaser/demo, our Kickstarter pitch video, and the entire pilot episode.
The idea for Lunatics! came from a discussion between Terry Hancock and Rosalyn Hunter on space-homesteading, the problems of space settlers, and the potential personality conflicts of the space advocates who would be most likely be involved. It was Rosalyn Hunter who conceived the characters and basic story ideas that grew into this series.
As we’ve already mentioned in an earlier update, Lunatics! will start out with two soundtracks — one in “original language” and one in “English-only”. These tracks will be nearly identical most of the time, but they will handle the few cases of characters speaking other languages differently.
I’ve introduced most of the team already, but of course, I need to introduce myself as well: I’ve been interested in space technology and science-fiction since I was a small child, and I’ve been actively involved in free-culture since before the word was coined. Lunatics! is a unique opportunity for me to put all of my skills and training to work on one project. As both an astronomer and a life-long space advocate, I’m very familiar with the reasons for going to the Moon and settling there (and also Mars and other places). And I have some pretty good ideas about how it can be done, having seen a lot of different proposals over the years.
I’ve been posting a series of updates to our Kickstarter about each of the people involved in producing Lunatics. After the fold – links to the individual updates.
Sathish Kumar, who was part of our Summer 2012 modeling team , has branched out on his own with his new studio, Spark Multimedia. He and his company will be partnering with us on creating many of the large virtual sets we need to create for Lunatics!
One of the line items on the budget for this Kickstarter is to build a “render cluster”. You might be wondering what that is, and why we might need one.
Our show doesn’t really have a single star. Instead we have an ensemble of several colonists, each of whom gets their own stories. But we also want to get them together as for ensemble moments, like this scene of the two main families having their first meal together on the Moon.