Tag: Fulfillment

Stamped Disc 4

January 2025 Summary

Highlights Released a complete edit of the “Lunatics!” pilot episode, “No Children in Space” just for Patreon…

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Kickstarter 1 Banner Image

All Rewards Shipped!

Today, we posted the very last rewards, which were the three Lib-Ray-formatted versions of the pilot episode animatic, along with the dataset, which included all of the extras from the episode download page as well as a snapshot of the development source tree. Once we decided to release these in a format compatible with our developing Lib-Ray standard, we had to wait until we had enough of that standard defined to make sure they would match — but we’ve now reached that point with Lib-Ray, so it was possible to finalize these and get them shipped. And that marks the end of our Pre-Production Kickstarter! Hurray!

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Artbook Now Online

The artbook is now available in a digital edition on our DOWNLOAD SITE , which has moved,BTW to a simpler URL (I’m lifting the embargo on it since it has been awhile, even though there are still a few more things going up on the site yet): http://lunatics.tv/Downloads/2012_KS_DL 3    Prospectus & Production Design 13    Characters 15        The Lerner Family 23        The Farmer Family 33        Allen Emerson 37        Sarah 39        Others 45    Setting

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Lunar Transportation System Drawings / Status Update on the Artbooks

Continuing work on the Lunatics artbooks:

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Character LineUp Poster

Principal Cast for the Pilot

Finally! I can tell somebody… We now have six voice actors confirmed for the pilot episode, who will play the six series regular characters who appear in the pilot (Georgiana, Hiromi, Rob, Tim, Josh, and Anya — in order of apperance): Rob will be played by William Roberts . Hiromi will be played by Karrie Shirou . Georgiana will be played by our daughter Ariel after all (we reviewed auditions from a few adult actresses to be sure this is what we wanted to do — they were good, but a real child’s voice sounds much better, and Ariel did quite well on the audition). Tim will be played by Lex Quarterman . Josh will be played by Paul Birchard . and

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Kickstarter 1 Banner Image

Some new artwork on the download page…

Just a quick note: I have got some more artwork up on the Download page: We are also currently taking auditions for Voice Actors and applications for Artist Interns (Mostly Blender 3D art skills, but also some 2D and audio).

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Kickstarter 1 Banner Image

Download Site is Up

I have just created the… As mentioned before, the content is not complete (and yes, I’m even behind where I said I was going to be, but I’m starting to catch up now). But I have versions of the Concept Art Poster in SVG, PDF, and various wallpaper/desktop sizes. I’ve also got the first 44 pages of the Artbook, including all of the character modelsheets, and the introduction which talks about the planned series format, business model, production schedule, and so on. The original SVG model sheets for each character are also available. More will be coming very soon! Also… Please check that your name is listed correctly in the backer credits.

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Kickstarter 1 Banner Image

Survey Forms Sent Out Today

Today I sent out the rest of the survey forms to those of you who are getting physical rewards. The actual rewards will probably be ready to go out in about two weeks. I’m starting to work on typesetting and publications stuff, although I still have some of my part owing on the original art. I made a small error in the surveys — I had originally intended to create a separate blank for how you’d like your name to appear in the credits. But I forgot to include this question. So, if you want your name to appear differently than in the “Name” part of your address (or if you wish to remain anonymous), please send me a private message with the name you want us to use.

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Finished Concept Art Poster

Mailed first batch of concept art posters out

Today, I finally got the concept art posters mailed out to the Kickstarter supporters who are getting just the posters.

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