Tag: production

Patron Newsletter cover for August 2015, featuring the 2040 Space Station

Patron Newsletter Summary – August, 2015

We’ve published the Patron Newsletter for August, 2015. This is one of the best ones we’ve released,…

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LTS Lander Interior

Moon Day 2015 – Projections and Progress

Faster, Better, Cheaper: Pick Two Moon Day 2015 has come and gone — the 4th since the…

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Lib-Ray Editions of the Animatic

As mentioned in my last update, Lunatics is on a hiatus while I work on Lib-Ray goals. In the process, though, I’m finishing up the last Kickstarter rewards for Lunatics as well, which are the three copies of the animatic in prototype Lib-Ray format. They’re basically done, but there’s a couple of minor problems I’m sorting out with the menus and the packaging. After some analysis, I’ve also got some (hopefully much more realistic) predictions about Lib-Ray and Lunatics schedules for 2013.

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“No Children in Space” (Pilot) Animatic

Watch on YouTube (Four parts in a YouTube playlist) This is a Storyboard Animatic (or “Story Reel”)…

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Penultimate post: DVD datasets finished!

This will probably be my next-to-last update.  The DVD data sets are being mailed (all but one of them is in the post, the last one will go out on my next trip to the post office). There are two disks in a double-disk thin-pack (I know I didn’t actually promise a case originally, but I had these already, and I thought they’d look nicer than just sending you a paper sleeve). Disk 1 is a hybrid video/data DVD. That is to say,  you can put it into a DVD-player and play it like you would any DVD movie, and there is also “DVD-ROM” content on the disk which you can get to by putting the disk into your computer (look in the “Extras” directory). The DVD features include:

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Still working on the animatic DVD

Well, this is taking a little longer than I planned, due to software problems I don’t even want to get started on (I’m having to do a lot of workarounds and trouble-shooting as a result). But I’m getting fairly close now. Just have to smash some more menu bugs. Much of the DVD-authoring also serves double for the USB flash drive versions, since it will be basically the same design (for these, I’ll be using the prototype Lib-Ray spec, which basically means a small on-disk website with linked videos). These will be “hybrid” DVDs with additional “DVD-ROM” content accessible by computer. I may have to be a little creative with that, since the whole production source tree is now too big to fit comfortably on a DVD. I’ll be paring it down some, and some content will probably be on a second disk. Meanwhile, of course, the video of the animatic is available on our website: http://lunatics.tv/Episodes/Pilot/Animatic

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Lunatics Pilot “No Children in Space” – Storyboard Animatic Uploaded

Just in time for Christmas:

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Brief Progress Report on “Lunatics” Rewards…

I am working very hard on this right now! 🙂 I have laid-out / typeset 44 pages of the “Pre-Production Art Book & Writer’s Guide”, which includes an introduction addressing series format and production schedule, and all of the character model sheets. The model sheets and some of the plans will be printed in color, by the way, as I found a print-on-demand publisher who can print a book with just a few color pages (as opposed to charging the color rate for the whole book). To make up the cost difference from pure black and white, I’ll be printing the text parts of the book a bit smaller in two-column “journal” format (still nicely readable, I think).

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Good News and Bad…

Well this is one of those “good news/bad news” posts. The good news is that Daniel is producing some truly awesome model sheets, and I want to share some previews of them. The bad news is that they aren’t going to be done on time. So, I’m slipping the pre-production schedule by one month to accomodate (i.e. Kickstart rewards should go out in May, now).

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