Author: Terry Hancock

Terry Hancock is the director and producer of "Lunatics!" and the founder for "Lunatics Project" and the associated "Film Freedom" Project. Misskey (Professional/Director Account) Mastodon (Personal Account)
2023 Years Progress

2023 Year’s Progress

  Assessing 2023 The video gives only a very quick overview, and without much explanation, so here’s…

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Soyuz Interior

December 2023 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS Closed up the year without quite having the pilot completed, nor the bathroom remodeled, nor even…

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Diagram of 2023 Virtual Studio & Workstation

November 2023 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS: November was honestly a pretty rough month for me. Not much production work accomplished, but lots…

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Billboard Extras as seen in the Blender viewport while editing a shot file.

October 2023 Summary

  Lunatics Production This has been a busy month. I finally got around to inserting background extras…

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Kdenlive edit of Launch Sequence

September 2023 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS September 2023 was a well-balanced month with significant production, writing, and development work, as well as…

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Lunatics Project History — Part 3: Launches & Misfires (2011-2012)

It’s been over ten years since our project launch on Kickstarter, which is probably as good a…

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August 2023 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS This was a good month for production work, finishing rendering on one full sequence and recovering…

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Lunatics Project History – Part 2: Vision (2009-2011)

It has been more than ten years since our project launch on Kickstarter, which is probably as…

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Still from pod-staging sequence for Soyuz Flight

July 2023 Summary

HIGHLIGHTS This month, I finished the exterior shots for the Soyuz Flight sequence, and began work on…

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Close up of the installed M-Disc Drive

Primera Bravo II – M-Disc Upgrade

In the previous two articles in this series, I did an exploratory breakdown to learn more about…

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