Tag: infrastructure
We have just completed a transition from our old “snowflake server” installation (i.e. managed entirely manually and…
HIGHLIGHTS: Architecture concepts for KitCAT. Renaming Anya Titova’s satellite company. Filed Personal Income Tax. Project management tools…
I put together this concept for the architecture of our proposed TACTIC client application, KitCAT: The idea…
HIGHLIGHTS: Visited the Saturn V center at NASA Johnson Space Center and the rocket park (the free…
HIGHLIGHTS: Planning volume storage tests. Review of Non-Debian Packages we need. TACTIC goals (planned to test TACTIC…
HIGHLIGHTS: Sylvan came on to help with system administration. Re-rigging Soyuz Launchpad Mech. Announced plans to release…
Migrating data from one system to a radically different system typically requires a lot of thought and…
Highlights First render tests of the “Aquarium Room” set and the “Press Conference” blocking. Site construction, installing…
I’ve been considering how we want to set up our virtual-studio asset-management system. There are a number…
Highlights Articles published about Virtual Studio, TACTIC, and Afanasy. Dug trenches. Laid pipe and cable for East…
Apparently, our Virtual Studio project is interesting to more than just us. I got a number of…
Happy Moon Day 2017! It’s been over a year since I first posted this video explaining what…